Sunday, May 9, 2010

I don't like Mondays

Every Sunday night I go through the same angst-ridden crap. The earlier I go to sleep, the closer Monday morning is. So I keep putting off going to bed and end up not getting enough sleep, which makes Monday even worse. Blah.

Instead of working on my stories today I spent tons of time on message boards. Most specifically hockey message boards. Not just on the game threads, but on the off-topic threads as well. In one of the threads a poster was discussing a bad break-up. A girl who just claimed to be falling for him (and yes he was falling for her) ditched him for her ex. Ooooh so very cruel. Other posters gave their comfort and support. One said to just move on, go out and look around because "the deal of a lifetime comes across once a week."

I really liked that. I posted that since tomorrow is Monday and the start of a new week, maybe I should be happy.
He posted that Mondays make up 1/7 of your life. If you hate Mondays that's 1/7 of your life. Yikes. And if you hate your work week that's 5/7 of your life. Gruesome.
That definitely puts a new spin on things.

So Monday is another day to conquer writer's block. Another day to log in at least 15 minutes. It doesn't have to be a bad thing.

So you never know what you'll learn on a hockey message board. Many thanks to Phanuthier on

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fifteen minutes of....

Well it's not 15 minutes of fame, that's for sure.

But it was MORE than 15 minutes of writing.

I decided to try something a bit different this morning.

I woke up a little earlier and did the bike/train mini triathalon. That's riding my bike to the train station, hauling it onto the train, and then hopping onto the bike again for a trek to the office. It was relaxing. And it cleared my head.

After that I was more than ready to hang out at my favorite bagel joint for a bit. I whipped out the notebook and scribbled some gibberish for about 40 minutes. No editing; just kept pushing that pen. A few comments about people on the train. And a few more about some of my co-workers as they filed in for coffee before heading over to the post office.

I didn't make any progress on the romance novel or the short stories but I wrote ! I did it!

So that's cool.

Today's lesson: just keep moving that pen.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Stop the procrastination....maybe later ?

The blank page. Here we go again. If I could just write for 15 minutes a day like they say......just think how much crap I could've written already, over the years...

Okay. It's time to wake up. I've been writing in fits and starts all of my life. Even got to go to a writer's conference in Prague...what was that, 16 years ago ? Disgusting. And what did I do with the short story that got me into that progeam ? Never rewrote it. Just ditched it. And except for sketching out a romance novel, and making notes for a few short stories, I have done nada. I'm good at writing letters though. They ennd up being novels in themselves. When I get started I am, well, hypergraphic. The Midnight Disease !

So I have 2 writing projects going. A romance novel involving a hockey player (not autobiographical..darn) and some short stories that are somewhat based on stuff that's happened to me.

So here I go. Will I put in 15 minutes on each of those projects tomorrow ? Or am I lying to myself ? Stay tuned......